ECONOMY Economy the most expensive cities in the world to live in 2021 the most expensive cities in the world to live in 2021
A new study has detected which are the most expensive cities where to live in 2021.The media Theeconomist has done, in the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) section, exploring the cost of life in 173 cities.
Specifically, "the prices of goods and services have increased 3.5% year -on -year, the highest inflation rate recorded in the last five years," explains the study.
In this situation, Eiu points to the Israeli city of Tel Aviv as the most expensive place in the world to live, thus leading the list for the first time in history.In fact, last year he held fifth place, snatching first place to Paris, which has dropped to the second position.
The 10 most expensive cities to live
To determine which are the most expensive cities to live, the world's cost of living is taken into account, which is a semiannual survey conducted by EIU, "which compares more than 400 individual prices in 200 products and services, in 173 cities of the entireworld, "they explain.
Thus, taking this into account, these are the 10 most expensive cities in the world to live:
- Tel Aviv (Israel)
- París (Francia)
- Singapur (Singapur)
- Zúrich (Suiza)
- Hong Kong (China)
- Nueva York (Estados Unidos)
- Ginebra (Suiza)
- Copenhague (Dinamarca)
- Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos)
- Osaka (Japón)
As a curious fact, Rom.
The cheapest cities to live in 2021
On the completely opposite side of the balance are the city of Damascus (Syria) and Tripoli (Libya), which are among the cheapest cities in the world:
- Damasco (Siria)
- Trípoli (Libia)
- Taskent (Uzbekistán)
- Túnez (Túnez)
- Almatý (Kazajistán)
- Karachi (Pakistán)
- Ahmedabad (India)
- Argel (Argelia)
- Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- Lusaka (Zambia)