7 habits to have a more sustainable life in 2021
Por Andrea Ochoa
Environmental care is one of the issues that has gained relevance in recent years and, although it seems complicated, there are small habits that help to have a more sustainable life.
Pero, ¿qué significa una vida sustentable? En pocas palabras, significa un conjunto de acciones que contribuyan a la preservación de los recursos naturales, para llevar una vida digna y óptima en todos los sentidos.
A continuación, compartimos 7 hábitos para tener una vida más sustentable en 2021.
Reduce, recycle, reuse
Tal y como aprendimos en clases, el primer hábito para tener una vida más sustentable es entender y poner en práctica la regla de las tres erres: reducir, reciclar y reutilizar.
Reduce our consumption of products and food packaged, reuse materials and objects at home instead of buying newidea.
Separate garbage
Separating garbage is another of the best habits to have a sustainable life, since this helps to assess and ensure the reuse of materials, reducing consumption and pressure on natural resources.
In addition, you can separate the PET, paper, cardboard, glass, etc.., and look for recycling centers of these materials to prevent them from ending up in the trash.
Reduces plastic consumption
One of the habits to have a sustainable life is to reduce plastic consumption, one of the most common materials in daily life.Although some shops have chosen to replace plastic bags, a good tip is always to wear a fabric bag to make purchases.
Avoid disposable products, straws and plastic bottles, are also habits to start having a more sustainable life.And, if not possible, try to reuse all those plastic containers and utensils.
Take care of the water
Water is one of the most precious natural resources, however, it is also one of the most wasted.Therefore, it is important to become aware and take care of this resource to have a more sustainable life.
Taking baths of no more than five minutes, closing the key while we smelted, we brush our teeth or wash the dishes, you can make a big difference.Also, you can place a bucket to accumulate cold water while we wait for hot at the time of bathing.
Move by bike
Try to use the car less and opt for ** Move yourself by bike is one of the best habits, not only to have a sustainable, but healthy life, ** since this activity reduces cholesterol and the risk of infarctions, in addition toGenerate endorphins.
If it is not possible for you to do it daily, you can do it a habit of weekends.In this way, you will not only have excellent health, but you will help generate less pollution produced by traffic.
Cultivate your own food
One of the habits that has become common lately is to cultivate your own food, that is, create orchards at home, since they help to have greater control of your diet to generate greater oxygenation in the environment.
Also, choose to consume a greater amount of plants cultivated at home and reduce the intake of products of animal origin helps the environment, since the livestock industry is one of the most polluting in the world.
Consume local
Another habits to have a more sustainable life is to consume local, that is, to boost local producers opting for products created in your country, city or community, instead of those of transnational brands.
Local consumption or economy refers to the collaborative effort to build economies based on local products or region, which, some cases may be cheaper, in addition to supporting a fair price economy and the realization of higher quality products.