How much does it cost to keep a pet in Ecuador?
La llegada de Perla a la vida de Edith Lazo representa más que cariño, risas y juegos. “Es como el bebé de la casa”, dice. Ella adoptó a Perla el pasado 2 de abril, cuando la cachorrita tenía dos meses.
"This 2021 knew love for pets.There are three: moon, playful and pearl, but with the latter it is with which I live.Luna and playful live with my dad in the mountains.He has become the baby of the house, she is my partner in Teleworking.With his arrival we have learned and known the love that can be felt for them, ”says Edith, who also highlights the responsibility and commitment that is acquired.
And therefore it is punctual with the vaccines and deworming that Perla needs. La cita médica y la vacuna le costaron $ 20, al igual que el desparasitante.To these expenses are added croquettes and snacks: about $ 18. Edith planifica un gasto mensual de cerca de $ 50.
Liliana Bonilla is also pending to take Tito and Kofi to the veterinarian.He says they are his worship.
She buys two kilos of food for the month and spends eleven dollars. Al año destina $ 30 para vacunas, $ 20 para desparasitantes, $ 10 en vitaminas, entre otros rubros.
Para la presidenta del refugio Pana, Katiuska Delgado, no hay una cifra exacta de cuánto se puede gastar en una mascota, porque depende del tamaño, edad y cantidad.
How many times a day should I walk my dog?
“When we make the decision to have a family member, you have to get a budget and it is necessary to be healthy and have well -being.And this varies according to the ages, ”he says.
And you have to start with a deworming plan at three weeks of the puppy, whether dog or cat, says veterinary doctor Israel Galarraga.
Tiene un valor de entre $ 2 y $ 10 dependiendo del producto; luego, la vacuna séxtuple para perro, entre $ 10 y $ 25 (son tres dosis cada 21 días), que protege contra el moquillo, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, entre otras.And the rabies vaccine at four months.
En cuanto a los gatos, según Galarraga, se necesita aplicar la vacuna triple felina cada 21 a 28 días, y cuesta entre $ 15 y $ 25, al igual que la de la rabia.
It also recommends considering another item for additional tests and discarding viral diseases such as feline viral AIDS and feline viral leukemia.It has a value of approximately $ 20.
The toilet is also important, says Delgado, and for this there are several options, such as taking them to the canine hairdresser.In these sites they make haircut and bathroom, according to Delgado, in an average of $ 18, although it may be more for the fur and size of the pet.
If cleaning is done by the owner, it is suggested to use the shampoo or soap recommended by a veterinarian. Los precios van desde los $ 5.
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And in relation to the site where pets should defecate, no more investment is required, Galarraga mentions.
"It can be in the sanitary trays that come with lawn, in the newspaper, take it for a walk and pick them up in a cover," he exemplifies.Small trays cost $ 8.
Both Galarraga and Delgado always advise a capital, in case the pet dies.
“It hurts us to see how people discard the little animal that accompanied them for several years in the trash, it is quite hard to observe that reality.If they have the possibility to bury them, it is better, ”says Delgado, adds that vaults are also sold for pets. Los valores van desde $ 150 hasta $ 200.
Is it possible to save?
Delgado indicates that there are ways to save, but not in everything. Recomienda, por ejemplo, no hacerlo en las medicinas, champú o jabón, ni tampoco en el alimento.This is because each pet reacts differently from the products and those prescribed by the trusted veterinarian should be used.
El Municipio de Guayaquil, a través de la Dirección de Bienestar Animal, realiza campañas gratuitas de atención veterinaria, cirugías, desparasitaciones, vacunación para la rabia y esterilizaciones.Here is a item in which it could save.
There are five units that provide this service, in Guasmo Norte, Trinitarian Island, Swan 2, Fertisa and others.In addition, there are three mobile sterilization clinics.
Unidades | Dirección |
Kartódromo | Parroquia Ximena, Guasmo norte, cooperativa 1.º de Mayo Independiente, atrás de Fundación Huancavilca. |
Trinitaria | Parroquia Ximena, Isla Trinitaria, cooperativa Monseñor Leonidas Proaño, frente a Trinipuerto. |
Cisne 2 | Parroquia Febres Cordero, 8.ª y la Ch. |
Jacobo y Marielena Ratinoff | Parroquia Letamendi, Bolivia y la 8.ª |
Fertisa | Parroquia Ximena, Guasmo oeste (Fertisa) Cooperativa Ahora le toca al Pueblo interior del CAMI de Fertisa. |
En tanto, otra alternativa es economizar en el corte de pelo, es decir, el dueño lo podría realizar comprando una máquina; así también en juguetes y snacks.
"For cats you can make toys with plastic bottles, or a sorbet tied with paper and that can be entertained," says Galarraga.
Delgado indicates that in the case of dogs you can save even in the beds. En su refugio, que alberga 35 gatos y 28 perritos, ha realizado camitas de llantas recicladas con almohadas. (I)