Ave low cost between Valencia and Madrid: Price, dates and how to catch it from Castellón
Passengers who want to take this train from Castellón must add the price of low cost Ave tickets, which start at 7 euros, to the traditional ticket from their town to the Joaquín Sorolla Station in Valencia , which is the starting point of the AVLO. Bearing in mind that the cheapest ticket that connects ours with the neighbor is 5.65 euros, for a little more than 12 euros a resident of Castelló can travel to Madrid.
AVLO will not connect Castelló with Madrid at the moment, despite the fact that RENFE has confirmed to this newspaper that the idea after implementing the Barcelona and Valencia line is to add different stations over time, but there is a a good number of trains that connect our province with Valencia, both with the Estación del Norte and with Joaquín Sorolla.
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— Katun TV - Bengali Wed Jan 11 11:37:24 +0000 2017