Reasons to have muscle pain (without physical exercise)
Para aliviar dolores musculares causados por una infección, se recomienda beber mucha agua y caldo y mucho descanso. También puedes usar una almohadilla térmica para controlar los síntomas a medida que tu cuerpo se recupera.
You're stressed
If you experience back pain and shoulders, headaches and body pain, stress can be the source of your muscle pain.
If you are constantly under stress, your muscles may not have the opportunity to relax.That is because your muscles change to self -preservation mode.The muscles have their own self -defense mechanism and tend to activate to protect themselves from injuries, while they are under stress.
Para evitar esto, una vez relajados los músculos, estira. La mejor manera de relajar los músculos tensos es mediante el ejercicio y el estiramiento. Cualquier tipo de ejercicio ayudará, pero la natación y el yoga son opciones especialmente buenas.
Do not sleep enough
Sleep is a way of stellar healing.It gives your body the time you need to recover from training, activities and stress of the day.Without sleeping enough, your body cannot recover properly, which can cause pain and discomfort.
If you have sleep problem, you can try the following strategies:
You are dehydrated
Muscle pains can be a sign that you are not drinking enough liquids.When you are dehydrated, interfere with normal body processes, such as bringing oxygen to the right places and digest food.
The discomfort or muscle pain is the shape of your body to alert dehydration.The objective is to consume eight glasses of water a day (more if you exercise or run for long periods of time).
You have a nutritional deficiency
Ciertas deficiencias de vitaminas también pueden provocar dolores corporales. Por ejemplo, la hipocalcemia, una afección en la que las personas tienen bajas cantidades de calcio en la sangre, puede desencadenar tensión en los músculos. Eso es porque los músculos (y los riñones) dependen del calcio para funcionar de manera óptima.
Surprisingly, sometimes the underlying cause of hypocalcemia is a vitamin D deficiency, because your body needs adequate vitamin D to absorb calcium.
Del mismo modo, si tu cuerpo no tiene suficientes glóbulos rojos, lo más probable es que esté anémico, y esto también puede provocar dolores corporales y musculares.
You have chronic fatigue syndrome
Si sientes dolor muscular y dolores de cabeza inusuales, dificultad para dormir, dificultad para concentrarte y agotamiento severo que dura seis meses o más, el síndrome de fatiga crónica, también conocido como encefalomielitis miálgica (ME / CFS), podría ser el culpable.
ME / CFS is a serious chronic disease that affects different parts of the body (including muscles and joints) and does not improve with bed rest.
Go to the doctor, who can perform an exam and diagnostic tests.Although there is currently no cure or approved treatment, your doctor can help you develop a plan to control symptoms.
You suffer from Lyme's disease
Muscle and joint pain can also be an indication of Lyme's disease, a disease transmitted by ticks caused by the Borrelia Burgdorferi bacteria.
With Lyme's disease, musculoskeletal interference, particularly arthritis, is common at the beginning of the disease, patients can report ‘itinerant’ musculoskeletal pain in muscles, bones, joints or tendons.
Go to a doctor to evaluate Lyme's disease through diagnostic tests and provide you with antibiotic treatment.
You have fibromyalgia
Those who experience pain and discomfort for a long period of time without known cause could suffer from fibromyalgia.Fibromyalgia is a chronic nervous system condition that causes generalized pain and sensitivity in muscles and joints.
What is worse, constant discomfort also makes people with fibromyalgia rest enough, resulting in lack of sleep, which we already know that plays a role in sore muscles.
Natural remedies for muscle pain
If going to see us or the neurological chiropractor closer to you is not an option, there are several natural remedies that you can do at home to relieve the discomfort and pain you are experiencing in your muscles, joints and body.
Epsom salts
A classic remedy for muscles and sore joints is to take a relaxing bath with EPSOM salts.These have a high content of magnesium and sulfates, which are easily absorbed through the skin to provide rapid relief since they reduce inflammation, reduce muscle spasms and relax tense areas.
It is recommended to add two salts of salts to the warm water of the bathroom and soak it for at least twenty minutes.We can repeat as necessary.
Cold and heat compresses
For a more immediate relief of joint pain, we can try a cold and heat approach to pain control.
We will apply a hot compress in the area hit for twenty minutes.Then we will immediately continue with a cold ice bag for another twenty minutes.We can try this technique every day if possible.In addition, it is convenient to maintain the high area if the swelling is serious.
Move and be active
Being inactive can actually get pain in body joints.The tension in the leg muscles is usually responsible for the additional tension exerted on the knees and hips.This is due to the fact that weak muscles contribute to instability, increasing the risk of injury and compensation in other areas of the body.
Exercising can usually help strengthen and stretch the joints and muscles affected, which often reduces pain.It is advisable to have the help of a specialist if we have any disease or injury.
Take collagen and other natural supplements
Collagen is the type of protein found in our body and helps build the joints and keeps the connective tissue strong.Collagen contains 19 different amino acids, the basic components of proteins, and has an essential role in physical and mental health.
This protein acts as a natural glue in the body, joining the skin and joints, in addition to supporting healthy muscle growth.The natural ways of including more collagen in the diet are to consume foods with a high protein content, such as beef, chicken, fish and eggshell membranes.Collagen can also be found in the form of a supplement, as in collagen protein powders, or can be obtained naturally when consuming real bone broth.