This brand has the most guays of Instagram summer and none costs more than 27 euros
Esta marca tiene los bolsos del verano más guays de Instagram y ninguno cuesta más de 27 euros
So small and so beautiful!
Bags and accessories
For less than 50 euros
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Spring Trends - Summer 2018
It happened to me with the Jelly Bag and with the network bag, so I know my mother's look very well - among amazement and emotion - before an unexpected trend that encapsates an object of his youth.A plastic mesh bag like the one we used to go to the purchase? Do you want?, Hence the astonishment.But if we surely have saved!, There the emotion.His and mine because so far he had only found a store that sells the most guay bag of Instagram.More even than the Portuguese basket!
All tendency bags that you can buy already in Zara
Of plastic thread, mini (or medium) size and colored print, chivatas are like those semi -transparent purchase bags (hence their name?) That were used between the 60s and 70s to go to the market in Reduced version.
Today turned into viral accessory by María Bernad or the sisters Cuesta, they no longer serve to transport zucchini and tomatoes, but a latest generation smartphone and the lipstick.And little else, to tell the truth.
They are small, very small.But beautiful, too beautiful.Their prices range between 19 and 27 euros depending on the size, and are marketed online on a website without too many pretensions in which the designs do not take time to hang the exhausted poster.
© Chivatas Bags
'Chivata' bag in red.
At the moment, the founders of the brand prefer to keep their anonymity but their signature is touring the world by force of sneaks (hence its name, confirmed).They saw them for the first time in a Mercadillo de Phuket (Thailand) although their design also reminds that of Mexican bags of 1 euro.
A little kitsch and (very) retro, the chivatas are the confirmation that the fashion of the Grocery Bags did not end with that grandmother's model XXL size of Burberry, or with the nth version of the bag of Zara's purchase.Moreover, for the autumn/winter strokes 2018/19 they paraded to the plastic bags of the super more mundane (Ashish, AW 18-19).So, friends, as my mother would say: You don't throw anything!
All tendency bags that you can buy already in Zara
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