Norwegian recruits will receive used underwear due to supply problems
Los reclutas noruegos deberán devolver a partir de ahora la ropa interior cuando finalicen el servicio militar para que esta pueda ser reutilizada y solucionar los problemas de suministro causados por la pandemia de coronavirus.
Defense had introduced that measure voluntarily last year, but now it has made it mandatory, Noruega Nrk public television reported Friday.
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"It is the most effective from the logistical and economic point of view.Reuse those clothes will help us have more volume and increase the ability to supply equipment.We have little in the stores, "a spokesman for the Defense Logistics Department told this channel.
The underwear will be washed, cleaned and inspected to rule out the one in poor condition.
The association that represents the recruits has described the measure as "problem" and ensures that supply failures already existed before the Coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions imposed by the different countries.
The order will be in force this year, although Defense has not yet decided if it will be permanently established.(YO)