If you respect yourself, sleep with pajamas |GQ Spain Largechevron Menu Close Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Facebook Twitter Pinterest Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Largechevron
The pajamas brings stability to life.The one who sleeps in pajamas faces a third of his day as it should be.Putting it on is a small ritual that denotes respect for a break in conditions and interest in the personal aspect.An uncle who sleeps with pajamas dawns ready to account for a good breakfast.An uncle who sleeps with pajamas can get up in the middle of the night in winter and be perfectly warm (nothing to go on tiptoe around the house, stunned cold).An uncle who sleeps with pajamas (with a good pajamas) can leave his building in the middle of the night because there is a fire and make statements to television.An uncle who sleeps in pajamas is a god.
The bed is also a space for comfort and rest, but also one of the least hygienic places in the house.Daily we lose several grams of skin.Twenty kilos throughout life.The outer layer of the epidermis is renewed every 2 or 4 weeks.Millions of dead cells that go to the sheet are released from our skin (if the pajamas does not remedy it).Let's not say if you eat or have sex in the bed.A bed where we lie naked for hours is a real cemetery of Canelones.Why if you don't think lying on a freshly made bed with clean sheets is so indescribablely pleasant?The bed is a wardrobe, if you think about it.The ideal habitat for germs and bacteria.The pajamas works as a barrier against the germs that inhabit it.
Of course, there are a number of conditions of the "pajamas culture" that one must take into account.Here you have a GQ commandment list for the Pijamero:
- Wash it once a week (at least).It is a garment destined to molar, not a shrew.
- Nothing to buy Churros P a r to breakfast in pajamas (in some bars in Spain it has been necessary to prohibit the entry of Paul Gascoigne style).He is tempting but no.
- If you go to sleep outside, always carry with you pajamas.If you have a romantic appointment with intercourse expectations, not without your pajamas.I know the case of someone who, already in his second appointment he presented himself with a backpack with his pajamas and a toothbrush.The thing ended well.The thing ended very well, in fact.Your relationship with your pajamas must resemble Charlton Heston with his rifle: that they only snatch it from your cold dead hands.
- If you are going to do without a part of the pajamas, that is the one above.Pants and torso discovered, okay.
–If you leave your pajama to her, exactly the other way around: up and bare legs.
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— Mariska Dzerzhinskiy Sun Mar 14 21:14:18 +0000 2021
- If you think about it, the pajamas is like the dessert: it can be shared between two.
- It is the only garment in which pictures can be combined in the upper and lower parts.Another advantage in favor of pajamas.We love paintings.They are never enough.
- Have a pajamas for regular use, and another more apparent or better quality for special occasions: Tinder matches, visit the priest to give you the per diem or meetings of the neighbors of neighbors.A expensive pajama is always a good investment.
- No initials embroidered.It is a horses of Rancios aristocrats.
Pajama is culture.The pajamas is life.It ended up sleeping like a calf in a stable.We even dare to suggest that one should put on the pajamas as it enters through the house door.But that is another topic.
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