The big questions that men ask themselves about women, answered
Perhaps it is because they are convinced that in Venus things are done differently, there are many men who are absolutely intrigued with the daily habits of women, but they are ashamed.Until now.
A group of men has confessed on the website. Aimee Brannen se ha encargado de recoger en 'The Daily Mail' las preguntas más comunes que casi todos los hombres se hacen y que sólo unos pocos han decidido hacer públicas de una vez por todas.Do you clarify something?
Sex question: Doubts between sheets
Sexual fantasies are, in general, a taboo subject for them and for them. “No sé si ella estaría dispuesta a hacer un trío”, se pregunta Trey, de 25 años, quien prefiere no comentarlo con su pareja por si “ella piensa que lo que quiero es acostarme con otras mujeres”.The reality is that many of these hidden desires are shared by both sexes, but, as a study conducted at the University of Finland recently corroborated, they prefer that the third in discord is another man.
Sometimes I wonder if she is pretending or if she really has so often orgasms
In another order of sexual pleasures, there are many who consider whether they are touched or not.As they do not usually comment - it is necessary to radiate it, dear ones - there are many men who consider if girls practice onanism. “A menudo me pregunto con qué frecuencia se masturbarán pero no lo pregunto porque dependiendo de la respuesta se pueden sentir ofendidas”, justifica Gio, de 26 años.
Do they lie more than they speak?
Women, they think, are specialists in saying half truths or not confessing their opinions at 100%.A universally known classic is the 'Nothing' before the common question 'something happens to you?'Seeing how his gaze and face reflect an absolute anger, but they prefer to hide their true feelings of anger, I will not burn Troy. Claro que cuando estas mentirijillas llegan hasta el dormitorio, quienes optan por callar sus dudas son ellos: “Sometimes I wonder if she is pretending or if she really has so often orgasms. No es que esté subestimando mis capacidades sexuales, pero he oído que las mujeres tienden a fingir”, dice el viril Will, de 24 años.
“Sometimes I doubt what I really think about my performance in bed, and I'm not afraid to ask. Claro que me gustaría poder leer su mente para saber si me está diciendo la verdad o no”, asegura el desconfiado Anthony, de 25 años.
Intimate and personal hygiene
One of the most widespread controversies between men and women when they live together is usually cleaning. De pronto llegan las coladas en común y algunos, como Sam, se preguntan “¿Alguna vez habrá repetido de ropa interior sin lavarla?, y ojo, que “no lo piensa por juzgar”, es simple y sana curiosidad.The thief is believed ... And the change of pants?How much can it be repeated?Great questions of humanity rarely resolved.
Your beloved bodies
Tersas skins, hardened rear, turgid breasts ... Sometimes they are so surprisingly beautiful that doubts arise, but as the saying indicates, they know that they offend.“I wonder if their breasts are real but I think it's too soon to venture to tell him. Técnicamente es un cumplido, porque mi duda viene de que son realmente perfectos”, comenta el joven Victor, de 23 años.
Algo más íntima es la cuestión de Kevin, quien comenta que una vez vio en la televisión a mujeres mirándose la vagina con un espejo y desconoce si se trata de un hábito cotidiano: “Pensé que era muy raro, pero me pregunto si de vez en cuando observen su propia vagina”.
One hour less in their biological watches
Quizás sea una tara universal, pero son pocos los hombres que no visualizan a las mujeres como futuras madres y esposas.'Because everyone wants to be, right?.
Have you had sexual relations with another girl?
“¿Cuántos hijos querrá tener?”, se plantea a sus 26 años Rob, quien dice que prefiere no preguntar por si su novia piensa “que estoy tratando de poner un bollo en su horno cuando no lo estoy, es sólo por tener referencias para el futuro”.Small, nothing happens to interest you in case you have any plan or idea for the future.Whatever the answer, nobody is clicking the condoms, no.
Algo más personal es la pregunta que, como Bobby, pueden hacerse algunos cuando empiezan a salir con alguien que ya ha estado en relaciones largas: “Me gustaría preguntarle si ha estado embarazada antes o si ha tenido algún susto.I know it is something too delicate but it generates a lot of curiosity ".Remember who killed the aforementioned, because you don't stop having a pet name.
How far will it have arrived?
Sexual taboos and taps have all, and just as they give them a certain trouble to go directly to excite the prostate of their new boyfriend, they find it hard to find out what things they have tried or want to try their companions. “Me gustaría saber la cosa más sucia que ha hecho nunca, pero me da demasiada vergüenza preguntárselo”, confiesa Jason, de 22 años.And, as expected, it is not the only. Ricky no se atreve a aclarar otra de las grandes dudas masculinas que podrían traducirse en hacer realidad una de sus más ansiadas fantasías: sexo lésbico.“Have you had sex with another girl?I know that she had a somewhat macarra phase in college, but I don't want me to think I am assuming that she is more promiscuous than she really can be, ”says the 24 -year -old.
Past relationships: better not ask
“I really want to know how many people he has bed, but it could be a question too personal.Also, what if he has bed with more than I would like to know?It is probably better than ever asking that question, ”says Luke, 24 years old.
El hecho es que las comparaciones son odiosas, pero inevitables, y muchos hombres como Kyle se sienten inseguros si desconocen si sus parejas mantienen algún tipo de relación con sus ex o, lo peor, piensan en ellos.
Y no podía faltar la duda de Patrick: “¿Comparará mi pene con el de otros chicos con los que ha estado?”.Seriously, there are answers that are better not to know.