Mugler's perfume that sweeps is a light talisman and perpetual success
Thierry Mugler
Quien tiene una amiga tiene un tesoro y quien tiene una amiga cuyo perfume es Alien Goddess de Mugler tiene, además, una amiga con un superpoder. Un superpoder contagioso, enérgico, enigmático, mágico y luminoso. Un superpoder que ilumina y llena de esperanza y optimismo cualquier rincón de oscuridad. Así es el nuevo perfume de Mugler: un rayo de luz en expansión, un abrazo en plena noche. Y no solo eso: también es una fragancia apetecible que huele genial y uno de los regalos que, seguro, más triunfarán durante este 2022 entre las chicas influyentes.
Mugler's Alien Goddesss perfume: the perfect fragrance
What does Alien Goddess smell like Mugler?
The fragrance of Alien Goddesss opens with a first revelation with Italian bergamota, which evokes the first rays of sun and provides the positive energy of the solar goddess.A second miraculous revelation continues, courtesy of jasmine, the true solar flower and a symbol of femininity and sensuality.The perfume ends leaving a feeling of peace and hope.It is the Bourbon vanilla through a soft and enveloping infusion that resembles a silk veil or the hug of a good friend.
© Antarctic photographs
Alien Goddesss is a talisman of light from the bottle to the last olfactory note through its ambassador Willow Smith.That is why it is worth sharing it with our closest circle.The beginning of a new course is the perfect excuse to do so.In fact, perfume will become a super successful object with which to participate to our friends - or loved ones - of the magic encapsulated in the bottle and so that they also reveal the extraordinary of their personality.Isn't an ideal time to fill with all the future that the future holds with light?