Worn Wear Repairs Tour 2022: Initiative seeks to give your garments a second life
Desde este 21 de enero al 6 de febrero de este año regresa a nuestro país el Tour Worn Wear, iniciativa gratuita impulsada por la marca outdoor Patagonia, y que –en su versión 2022- tiene como objetivo recorrer localidades del sur de Chile con el fin de promover la reparación de ropa, en vez de comprar productos que no son realmente necesarios.
Worn Wear is the Patagonia program that seeks to keep the equipment in the field for longer through repair, reuse, upcycling and even exchange. “Lo mejor que podemos hacer por el planeta es aprovechar más las cosas que ya tenemos, reduciendo el consumo, reparando, compartiendo y reciclando prendas y equipos, para así generar un mundo con menos residuos”, explica Macarena Sánchez, Directora de Marketing & Enviro de Patagonia.
It should be noted that the fashion industry is the second most polluting in the world, a fact that is not surprising if we think that, according to Environmental Foundation Foundation figures, to manufacture simple jeans pants, 10.000 liters of water, while, for a cotton shirt, 2.500 liters ”, comment from Patagonia.On the other hand, repairs are relevant, since - by extending the life of a garment in two years - its carbon, waste and water footprint is reduced by 82% (Thredup).
More info about Worn Wear at: https: // cl.Patagonia.com/pages/Worn-Wear
Tour Worn Wear 2022 calendar
Pucón, Puerto Varas, Coyhaique and Cerro Castillo are the destinations chosen in this 2022 edition.So far, this initiative has more than 3.600 repairs, and this year it is estimated to carry out about 500 (90 per day approximately).
This is how this tour will visit Pucón (Patagonia store) on January 21 and 22;Puerto Varas (Plaza de Armas) on January 29 and 30;Coyhaique (Paseo Horn) on February 4 and 5;and Cerro Castillo, on February 6
(More information about the tour here https: // cl.Patagonia.com/pages/cart-de-repararations)
Reparators will participate such as Modulab, which has collaborated with this activity for 3 years and that has many positive experiences to tell about it.“In Modulab we believe that repair is the most revolutionary you can do.The system is not made for things to be repairable, and that is why it is important that there are pioneer marks such as Patagonia that enhance this act.For us it is a pride.
He adds that, in this version of the Worn Wear Tour, “we are going to move a point -to -point repair workshop, attending people with their garments.It should be said that repairing is more than receiving things in poor condition: it is also listening to people, so that they tell us their story and why it is important for them to repair it and not throw it out.Maybe it will not remain as a new one, but the idea is that clothes continue to remember that story that makes it special ”.
Repair conditions
- You can repair almost any type of product.Surf costumes, ankle boots, waders, suitcases, tents, first layers, underwear and shoes will not be accepted.Nor will change change, but closures will be delivered so that people can make their repair with a local seamstress
- Products of all brands will be received to repair them completely free.
- Maximum 1 product per person and with limited quotas of garments repaired per day."Repairs are delayed between 1 to 4 hours.Therefore, it is recommended that they visit us during the morning, ”they explain from Patagonia.
- The products will be asked to arrive clean.The reparators will evaluate the product, and according to that, the feasibility of repairing, transforming or, ultimately, do nothing will be seen.
- There will be safety protocols, since it is an outdoor event with respect to the health and sanitary protocols of each place.For traceability reasons, the data of each assistant will be requested.
See frequent Worn Wear: https: //.Patagonia.com/pages/Worn-Wear-faqs
“The goal of this project is to continue teaching consumers that the best thing they can do for the care of the environment is to buy less and prolong the useful life of garments. Así, reparar se transforma en un acto radical”, finaliza Benjamín Carvallo, Brand & Communities Manager de Patagonia Chile.